Now, as the summer of 2012 approaches, I decided that I'd do it again. Instead of west-to-east, though, I'll be going north-south. I was born in Wisconsin, but I haven't really spent much time there since. I've never been to Canada. I've never seen Niagara Falls. There are a few baseball stadiums up there to cross off the list.
So much to see and do.
So, on or about June 23rd, I'll be jumping in the car and pointing it north. I have a rough outline of where I'm going, but I'm not known for planning. I'll figure it out. And, as added fun and enjoyment, I'm going to be blogging and tweeting about it as I go. My goal is to do stupid stuff and try to stay out of jail. Randomness will be encouraged, and hilarity will most assuredly ensue.
What do I have planned? Well... there's... hey, I don't want to give it all away.
Look for #TwitOnARoadTwip2012 hashtags on Twitter and Facebook. The other tags I'll be using are #ToaRT2012 and #TheFrenchAreCheeseEatingSurrenderMonkeys (you know... for the short tweets).
In an effort to promote my poor decisions and make it a little bit more fun, I've decided to make a bit of a contest.
What do you win? Your choice of the following:
- A GORUCK hoodie
- Signed copies of both my first book, Number 181 , as well as the untitled sequel that is nearing a first draft completion. You want spelling errors and grammar mistakes? Meet my first draft!
- A NASA package including a t-shirt, patches, stickers, and random awesomeness
- The adoration of your peers [NOTE: I can't actually guarantee this, but we'll just assume it'll happen]
- Add me on Facebook and track my updates
- Follow me (@RussellStoewe) on Twitter
- 'Like' Number 181 : Centerfield Productions on Facebook
- Keep up with this blog

Safe travels! Sounds like it will be fun.