As readers of my book, Number 181, know... I donated the proceeds from sales of that novel to charitable organizations supporting our returning servicemen and women, a group I have come to know a great deal about thanks to time spent with many Special Forces operators. Each and every one is an amazing individual, and they deserve our thanks for what they do on a daily basis.
In keeping with the tradition I started with my first book, I will be raffling off several items now that I've completed the sequel, Tin Man, and donating proceeds to Hope for the Warriors.
Starting on March 15th and continuing through April 15th [extended to April 30], I will be taking donations that will be directly handed - through a FirstGiving site or my paypal - to the group and matching all contributions up to a $500 total.
First prize includes:
- Personalized autograph copies of both Number 181 (paperback) and the newly-released sequel, Tin Man in hardcover (a first, and rare, printing)
- GORUCK Mars Patch
- GORUCK Luna Patch

- NASA Patch
- Space Shuttle Atlantis Limited Edition Coin
- Space Shuttle Medallion made from metal flown on the Space Shuttle
Second Prize includes
- Personalized autograph copies of both Number 181 (paperback) and the newly-released sequel, Tin Man in paperback (I know I’m biased, but this looks great)
- A patch from the Astronaut Training Center’s Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory
- Space Shuttle Medallion made from metal flown on the Space Shuttle
- NASA Pin
- NASA Sticker
- MetalWorks Space Shuttle Atlantis 3D laser cut desk model
You get one entry for simply 'liking' the Number 181/Tin Man Facebook page. In addition, you get one entry for EACH DOLLAR (I will match the donation) that you give to the Hope for the Warriors foundation either through PayPal to or to the FirstGiving page I've set up.
Hope for the Warriors is a non-profit begun to "enhance the quality of life for post-9/11 service members, their families, and families of the fallen who have sustained physical and psychological wounds in the line of duty." Hope For The Warriors is dedicated to "restoring a sense of self, restoring the family unit, and restoring hope for our service members and our military families." Clearly, a good cause. In addition, they have received the highest rating among similar charities for transparency and ensuring that the most of each dollar donated goes to the intended recipient. They are good people.
So, 'like' the page. Donate to the cause. And, enjoy the book and goodies! One request... you have to tell me what you think of the second book in the Shawn Kidd series!

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